Thermo Haake

AC150-A25 Heated and Refrigerated Circulating Waterbath

  • AC150-A25 Heated and Refrigerated Circulating Waterbath AC150-A25 Heated and Refrigerated Circulating Waterbath AC150-A25 Heated and Refrigerated Circulating Waterbath

    Features a digital display and easy-to-use touch pad, five programmable setpoint temperatures, acoustic and optical alarms, adjustable high temperature protection, and low liquid level protection, -25 to +150ºC temperature range, ±0.01ºC temperature stability, 12-Liter bath volume, 20LPM flow rate, 500W cooling capacity at 20ºC, 1200W heater capacity, 115V.

    Request A Quote or if you have any questions please email us at
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    Refer to ID 4690

    Listing ID 4690

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